Fish & Seafood Information

We take fish seriously!

At North Harbour Fish Market, we know it's important to our customers to get all the info - and it's important to us too. Dive into our comprehensive product list, see what's available and read up on all the vital statistics - the when, where and who!
For those interested in wholesale opportunities, we invite you to connect with us. Your interest is highly valued, and we look forward to hearing from you.



RED SNAPPERSPECIESeg: fish shellfish, snapper species … you can tell I dont know the ins and outs about fish
insert picture of fish hereREGIONWhere was it caught
 AVAILABILITYWhen is it available (seasonal?, all year round etc)
 QUOTANot sure what to put here
(eg: line caught, farmed, day caught etc)
 GOOD FOR(smoking, grilling, sushimi, sushi, kokoda, etc) 
 PRESENTATION(skin on, skinned, boned, gutted)
Featured RecipeCelebraty chef to supplyGet your chefs to come up with a recipe for this fish